Fishkeep & Chill Team
- Fish Health for the Hobbyist with the Gettin' Fishy With It Podcast
- Finatics Friday Coffee Dates with Cam (The Fish Room NZ) and John (Love Fish Keeping)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- A Perspective: Molecular Detections of New Agents in Finfish—Interpreting Biological Significance for Fish Health Management
- A Perspective: Molecular Detections of New Agents in Finfish—Interpreting Biological Significance for Fish Health Management: Response to Comment
Dr. Universe Questions
- How can fish see in the water?
- How do you tell if your betta fish is happy or depressed?
- Do fish and sharks drink water?
Podcast Appearances

Masters Thesis
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Magazine Articles
- In Pursuit of Stingrays in Brazil's Rio Negro in Amazonas Magazine
- Água Boa: Paradise Found in Amazonas Magazine (German)
- Breeding the Tiger Ray: Potamotrygon tigrina in Amazonas Magazine
- Studying Neolamprologus pulcher in the field: a Tanganyikan cichlid as a model for the evolution of co-operation in Cichlid News Magazine