Jen and Nora regularly discuss an aspect of fishkeeping that has caught their interest

sick fish rainbowfish mycobacteria fish handlers disease wasting fish tuberculosis

Mycobacteriosis: The Ubiquitous Scourge of the Aquarist

By The Fish Ladies

Jen and Nora confer on mycobacteriosis (often called fish tuberculosis) in aquarium fish and offer recommendations for aquarists who are…

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pink betta fish dropsy sick shutterstock

Euthanasia for Aquarium Fish: When should it be done, and how?

By The Fish Ladies

Nora and Jen tackle the difficult subject of when and how to humanely euthanize aquarium fish such as bettas, referencing…

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goldfish wen oranda orange color bright food flake pellet

What, How Much, and How Often You Should Feed Your Goldfish

By The Fish Ladies

Jen and Nora discuss feeding goldfish, covering common problems that can occur, unique goldfish anatomy, what and how often to…

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Jen, a professional aquarist, and Nora, a fish veterinarian, provide advice for beginning fishkeepers

cory cat hoplisoma sterbai cute fish beginner catfish

Best Aquarium Fish for Beginners

By The Fish Ladies

Looking for great beginner fish to start your aquarium? Nora and Jen’s top picks are easy to care for fish…

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How to Set Up a Quarantine Tank

By Nora Hickey, D.V.M.

Learn how to set up a basic quarantine aquarium and/or hospital tank, to prevent the introduction of diseases to your aquarium.

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betta care for beginners siamese fighting fish

Betta Care for Beginners

By Jennifer O. Reynolds, M.A.

How to set up a proper tank for a betta and master the basics of fishkeeping Betta fish (Betta splendens),…

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Nora, a fish veterinarian, breaks down common fish health problems

mycobacteria granuloma acid fast stain fish tuberculosis


By Nora Hickey, D.V.M.

Dos and don’ts for aquarists fighting mycobacteriosis Mycobacteriosis is one of those diseases that long-term fishkeepers will likely encounter in…

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betta dragon scale diamond eye dragonscale

Diamond Eye in Bettas

By Nora Hickey, D.V.M.

A fish veterinarian explains what “Diamond Eye” is When Jen and I went down our fancy betta rabbit hole in…

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oscar astronotus ocellatus hlle fish hith disease fish hole in the head cichlid help

Hole-in-the-Head (Lateral Line Depigmentation)

By Nora Hickey, D.V.M.

A fish veterinarian explains what “Hole-in-the-Head” Disease is (and isn’t) The first Oscar (Astronotus ocellatus), “Dino,” that I ever kept…

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Jen and Nora's fish-related adventures and special interests

neolamprologus multifasciatus tanganyikan cichlid fish shelldweller cichlid

A Matter of Scale

By Jennifer O. Reynolds, M.A.

Cichlid husbandry as a hobbyist and as a professional Imagine aquariums so large you can’t remember the volume without referring…

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